Agro-ecological Model for Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Systems

The project delivers an agro-ecological zone model, AZS, consisting of land evaluation methods with multiple-criteria and socioeconomic analysis to evaluate spatial and dynamic aspects of agriculture - strengthening national and regional climate change impact assessment capacity in view of appropriate adaptation solutions. Specifically the model:
- computes vulnerability maps with regional detail over key climate change and food security hotspots in the region;
- analyzes the effectiveness of land-based adaptation, in terms of avoided damage, increased production system capacity and resilience, and including synergies with mitigation.

CRA - Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura (Italy)

2013 - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 90, 170-175
A multi-approach software library for estimating crop suitability to environment.
Confalonieri, R., Francone, C., Cappelli, G., Stella, T., Frasso, N., Carpani, M., Bregaglio, S., Acutis, M., Tubiello, F.N., Fernandes, E.

The World Bank