The project delivers an agro-ecological zone model, AZS, consisting of land evaluation methods with multiple-criteria and socioeconomic analysis to evaluate spatial and dynamic aspects of agriculture - strengthening national and regional climate change impact assessment capacity in view of appropriate adaptation solutions. Specifically the model:
- computes vulnerability maps with regional detail over key climate change and food security hotspots in the region;
- analyzes the effectiveness of land-based adaptation, in terms of avoided damage, increased production system capacity and resilience, and including synergies with mitigation.
2013 - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 90, 170-175
A multi-approach software library for estimating crop suitability to environment.
Confalonieri, R., Francone, C., Cappelli, G., Stella, T., Frasso, N., Carpani, M., Bregaglio, S., Acutis, M., Tubiello, F.N., Fernandes, E. |