
A smartphone application to collect information on crop status at field scale and to provide services to farmers
Advanced tools for breeding BARley for Intensive and SusTainable Agriculture under climate change scenarios
Agro-ecological Model for Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Systems
Agro-phenological database for CGMS
An irrigation efficiency program addressing water scarcity through a systems approach to water management
Analysis and evaluation of models assessing preharvest quality for CGMS crops
Cd-free fertilizers on durum wheat crops
Cd-free fertilizers on rice crops
Crop Monitoring as an E-agriculture tool in developing countries
Development of a version of PocketLAI to be integrated with IRRI technologies for rice monitoring
Development of an Adapter to run the APES Modelling Solutions into the BioMA Framework modular platform
Development of an expert system for supporting hazelnut management
Development of index-based insurance products: from biophysical models to meta-models
Development of services to support rice farmers in Sardinia
Early warning system for rice blast disease in Lombardy
ERMES: An Earth obseRvation Model based RicE information Service
Evaluation of climate change impact on crop productions in Lombardy and identification of adaptation strategies
Evaluation of the impact of climate change and particulate pollution on the nutritional value of mountain meadows - Adaptation strategies
Extention of the Hazel model for management support
Integrated genetic and genomic approaches for new Italian rice breeding strategies
Integrating smart technologies and remote sensing to support top-dressing N fertilization in the Riso e Rane District
Interdisciplinary Project for assessing current and expected Climate Change impacts on MOUntain Pastures
MODelling vegetation response to EXTREMe Events
Modifying canopy architecture and photosynthesis to maximize barley biomass and yield for different end-uses (BarPLUS)
Modular platform for plant modelling: the WOFOST modelling approach implementation in the CropML component
Platform for Risk Evaluation & Management In Agriculture
Precision agriculture to optimize the management of water, fertilizers and pesticides
Satellites and other innovative technologies to support variable rate fertilization in paddy fields
Scenario integrated assessment for sustainable rice production systems. Exploring plausible, probable and possible futures for sustainable rice produc
Simulation of the impact of phenomena involved with evolution, co-evolution and migration of weeds, pathogens and insects on rice productions
Simulation platform for AgroInsurance