2020 - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 280, 107785
Comparison of three calibration methods for modeling rice phenology
Gao, Y., Wallach, D., Liu, B., Dingkuhn, M., Boote, K., Singh, U., Asseng, S., Kahveci, T., He, J., Zhang, R., Confalonieri, R., Hoogenboom, G. |
2019 - Ecological Modelling, 401, 111-128
Development of generic crop models for simulation of multi-species plant communities in mown grasslands.
Movedi, E., Bellocchi, G., Argenti, G., Paleari, L., Vesely, F.M., Staglianò, N., Dibari, C., Confalonieri, R. |
2019 - Scientific Reports, 9, 9258
Quantifying uncertainty due to stochastic weather generators in climate change impact studies
Vesely, F.M., Paleari, L., Movedi, E., Bellocchi, G., Confalonieri, R. |
2019 - Agricultural Systems, 168, 181-190
A high-resolution, integrated system for rice yield forecasting at district level.
Pagani, V., Guarneri, T., Busetto, L., Ranghetti, L., Boschetti, M., Movedi, E., Campos-Taberner, M., Garcia-Haro, F.J., Katsantonis, D., Stavrakoudis, D., Ricciardelli, E., Romano, F., Holecz, F., Collivignarelli, F., Granell, C., Casteleyn, S., Confalonieri, R. |
2019 - BMC Bioinformatics, 20, 514
Predicting rice blast disease: machine learning versus process-based models
Nettleton, D.F., Katsantonis, D., Kalaitzidis, A., Sarafijanovic-Djukic, N., Puigdollers, P., Confalonieri, R. |
2019 - Sensors, 19, 981
Estimating crop nutritional status using smart apps to support nitrogen fertilization. A case study on paddy rice.
Paleari, L., Movedi, E., Vesely, F.M., Thoelke, W., Tartarini, S., Foi, M., Boschetti, M., Nutini, F., Confalonieri, R. |
2019 - Crop Science, 59, 1155-1164.
Analysis and modelling of processes involved with salt tolerance and rice.
Tartarini, S., Paleari, L., Movedi, E., Sacchi, G.A., Nocito, F.F., Confalonieri, R. |
2019 - European Journal of Agronomy, 103, 108-116
Downscaling rice yield simulation at sub-field scale using remotely sensed LAI data.
Gilardelli, C., Stella, T., Confalonieri, R., Ranghetti, L., Campos-Taberner, M., García-Haro, F.J., Boschetti, M. |
2018 - Ecological Modelling, 368, 1-14.
Sensitivity of WOFOST-based modelling solutions to crop parameters under climate change.
Gilardelli, C., Confalonieri, R., Cappelli, G., Bellocchi, G. |
2018 - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 154, 80-92
An operational workflow to assess rice nutritional status based on satellite imagery and smartphone apps.
Nutini, F., Confalonieri, R., Crema, A., Movedi, E., Paleari, L., Stavrakoudis, D., Boschetti, M. |
2018 - European Journal of Agronomy, 97, 70-80
GLORIFY: a new forecasting system for rice grain quality in Northern Italy.
Cappelli, G., Pagani, V., Zanzi, A., Confalonieri, R., Romani, M., Feccia, S., Pagani, M.A., Bregaglio, S. |
2018 - Field Crops Research, 215, 140-148.
Boundaries and perspectives from a multi-model study on rice grain quality in Northern Italy.
Cappelli, G., Confalonieri, R., Romani, M., Feccia, S., Pagani, M.A., Cappa, C., Bocchi, S., Bregaglio, S. |
2018 - Sensors, 18, 1028
Quantifying the accuracy of digital hemispherical photography for LAI estimates on broad-leaved tree species.
Gilardelli, C., Orlando, F., Movedi, E., Confalonieri, R. |
2017 - Scientific Reports, 7:4352
Trait-based model development to support breeding programs. A case study for salt tolerance and rice.
Paleari, L., Movedi, E., Confalonieri, R. |
2017 - Biosystems Engineering, 164, 1-12.
PocketPlant3D: Analysing canopy structure using a smartphone.
Confalonieri, R., Paleari, L., Foi, M., Movedi, E., Vesely, F.M., Thoelke, W., Agape, C., Borlini, G., Ferri, I., Massara, F., Motta, R., Ravasi, R.A., Tartarini, S. ... Rossini, L. |
2017 - European Journal of Agronomy, 89, 97-106
Improving cereal yield forecast in Europe - the impact of weather extremes.
Pagani, V., Guarneri, T., Fumagalli, D., Movedi, E., Testi, L., Klein, T., Calanca, P., Villalobos, F., Lopez-Bernal, A., Niemeyer, S., Bellocchi, G., Confalonieri, R. |
2017 - Global Change Biology, 23, 4651-4662.
Surfing parameter hyperspaces under climate change scenarios to design future rice ideotypes.
Paleari, L., Movedi, E., Cappelli, G., Wilson, L.T., Confalonieri, R. |
2017 - Agricultural Systems, 154, 45-52
Forecasting sugarcane yields using agro-climatic indicators and Canegro model: a case study in the main production region in Brazil.
Pagani, V., Stella, T., Guarneri, T., Finotto, G., van den Berg, M., Marin, F.R., Acutis, M., Confalonieri, R. |
2017 - IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10, 5423-5441.
Downstream services for rice crop monitoring in Europe: from regional to local scale.
Busetto, L., Casteleyn, S., Granell, C., Pepe, M., Crema, A., Barbieri, M., Campos-Taberner, M., Casa, R., Collivignarelli, F., Confalonieri, R., García-Haro, J. ... Movedi, E., Nutini, F. ... Boschetti, M. |
2017 - Scientific Reports, 7:14858
Causes of variation among rice models in yield response to CO2 examined with Free-Air CO2 Enrichment and growth chamber experiments.
Hasegawa, T., Li, T., Yin, X., Zhu, Y., Boote, K., Baker, J. ... Confalonieri, R. ... Wallach, D., Wang, Y., Wilson, L.T., Yang, L., Yang, Y., Yoshida, H., Zhang, Z., Zhu, J. |
2016 - Ecological Indicators, 67, 807-820
Designing ecological corridors in a fragmented landscape: a fuzzy approach to circuit connectivity analysis.
Pierik, M.E., Dell'Acqua, M., Confalonieri, R., Bocchi, S., Gomarasca, S. |
2016 - Environmental Modelling & Software, 81, 165-173
Uncertainty in crop model predictions: What is the role of users?
Confalonieri, R., Orlando, F., Paleari, L., Stella, T., Gilardelli, C., Movedi, E., Pagani, V., Cappelli, G., ... , Acutis, M. |
2016 - Ecological Modelling, 329, 86-99
Development and evaluation of new modelling solutions to simulate hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) growth and development.
Bregaglio, S., Orlando, F., Forni, E., De Gregorio, T., Falzoi, S., Boni, C., Pisetta, M., Confalonieri, R. |
2016 - Ecological Modelling, 328, 72-77
Quantifying uncertainty in crop model predictions due to the uncertainty in the observations used for calibration.
Confalonieri, R., Bregaglio, S., Acutis, M. |
2016 - Ecological Modelling, 320, 366-371
A model to simulate the dynamics of carbohydrate remobilization during rice grain filling.
Stella, T., Bregaglio, S., Confalonieri, R. |
2016 - Remote Sensing, 8, 202-17
Multitemporal monitoring of plant area index in the Valencia rice district with PocketLAI.
Campos-Taberner, M., García-Haro, J., Confalonieri, R., Martínez, B., Moreno, Á., Sánchez-Ruiz, S., Gilabert, M.A., Camacho, F., Boschetti, M., Busetto, L. |
2016 - Field Crops Research, 197, 125-132
WOFOST-GTC: a new model for the simulation of winter rapeseed production and oil quality.
Gilardelli, C., Stella, T., Frasso, N., Cappelli, G., Bregaglio, S., Chiodini, M.E., Scaglia, B., Confalonieri, R. |
2016 - European Journal of Agronomy, 76, 107-117
Coupling a generic disease model to the WARM rice simulator to assess leaf and panicle blast impacts in temperate climate.
Bregaglio, S., Titone, P., Cappelli, G., Tamborini, L., Mongiano, G., Confalonieri, R. |
2016 - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 128, 46-49
ISIde: a rice modelling platform for in silico ideotyping.
Paleari, L., Bregaglio, S., Cappelli, G., Movedi, E., Confalonieri, R. |
2016 - Sensors, 16, 2004
Estimating LAI in vineyard using the PocketLAI smart-app.
Orlando, F., Movedi, E., Coduto, D., Parisi, S., Brancadoro, L., Pagani, V., Guarneri, T., Confalonieri, R. |
2016 - Environmental Modelling & Software, 85, 332-341
A taxonomy-based approach to shed light on the babel of mathematical models for rice simulations.
Confalonieri, R., Bregaglio, S., Adam, M., Ruget, F., Li, T., Hasegawa, T., Yin, X., Zhu, Y., Boote, K., Buis, S., Fumoto, T., Gaydon, D., Lafarge, T., Marcaida, M., Nakagawa, H., Ruane, A.C., Singh, B., Singh, U., Tang, L., Tao, F., Fugice, J., Yoshida, H., Zhang, Z., Wilson, L.T., Baker, J., Yang, Y., Masutomi, Y., Wallach, D., Acutis, M., Bouman, B. |
2016 - Ecological Modelling, 340, 57-63
Sensitivity analysis of a sensitivity analysis: we are likely overlooking the impact of distributional assumptions.
Paleari, L., Confalonieri, R. |
2015 - Biosystems Engineering, 135, 21-30
Improving in vivo plant nitrogen content estimates from digital images: trueness and precision of a new approach as compared to other methods and commercial devices
Confalonieri, R., Paleari, L., Movedi, E., Pagani, V., Orlando, F., Foi, M., Barbieri, M., Pesenti, M., Cairati, O., La Sala, M.S., Besana, R., Minoli, S., Bellocchio, E., Croci, S., Mocchi, S., Lampugnani, F., Lubatti, A., Quarteroni, A., De Min, D., Signorelli, A., Ferri, A., Ruggeri, G., Locatelli, S., Bertoglio, M., Dominoni, P., Bocchi, S., Sacchi, G.A., Acutis, M. |
2015 - Applied Vegetation Science, in press
Estimating leaf area index in tree species using the PocketLAI smart app
Orlando, F., Movedi, E., Paleari, L., Gilardelli, C., Foi, M., Dell'Oro, M., Confalonieri, R. |
2015 - Global Change Biology, 21, 1328-1341
Uncertainties in predicting rice yield by current crop models under a wide range of climatic conditions.
Li, T., Hasegawa, T., Yin, X., Zhu, Y., Boote, K., Adam, M., Bregaglio, S., Buis, S., Confalonieri, R., Fumoto, T., Gaydon, D., Marcaida, M., Nakagawa, H., Oriol, P., Ruane, A.C., Ruget, F., Singh, B., Singh, U., Tang, L., Tao, F., Wilkens, P., Yoshida, H., Zhang, Z., Bouman, B. |
2015 - Biomass & Bioenergy, 80, 85-93
Are advantages from partial replacement of corn with second generation energy crops undermined by climate change? A case study for giant reed in Northern Italy
Cappelli, G., Yamaç, S.S., Stella, T., Francone, C., Paleari, L., Negri, M., Confalonieri, R. |
2015 - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 113, 193-202
Reimplementation and reuse of the Canegro model: From sugarcane to giant reed
Stella, T., Francone, C., Yamaç, S.S., Ceotto, E., Pagani, V., Pilu, R., Confalonieri, R. |
2015 - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 214-215, 483-493
A statistical analysis of three ensembles of crop model responses to temperature and CO2 concentration.
Makowski, D., Asseng, S., Ewert, F., ... , Confalonieri, R., ... , Zhu, Y. |
2015 - Climatic Change, 132, 661-675
District specific, in silico evaluation of rice ideotypes improved for resistance/tolerance traits to biotic and abiotic stressors under climate change scenarios.
Paleari, L., Cappelli, G., Bregaglio, S., Acutis, M., Donatelli, M., Sacchi, G.A., Lupotto, E., Boschetti, M., Manfron, G., Confalonieri, R. |
2015 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 35, 157-167
New multi-model approach gives good estimations of wheat yield under semi-arid climate in Morocco.
Bregaglio, S., Frasso, N., Pagani, V., Stella, T., Francone, C., Cappelli, G., Acutis, M., Balaghi, R., Ouabbou, H., Paleari, L., Confalonieri, R. |
2014 - Environmental Modelling & Software, 59, 44-58
Model simplification and development via reuse, sensitivity analysis and composition: a case study in crop modelling.
Stella, T., Frasso, N., Negrini, G., Bregaglio, S., Cappelli, G., Acutis, M., Confalonieri, R. |
2014 - Crop Science, 54, 2294-2302
Impact of agro-management practices on rice elongation: analysis and modelling.
Confalonieri, R., Stella, T., Dominoni, P., Frasso, N., Consolati, G., Bertoglio, M., Bianchi, E., Bortone, L., Cairo, V., Cappelli, G., Cozzaglio, G., Fattorossi, G., Garbelli, A., D'Incecco, P., Marazzi, A., Marescotti, M.E., Marziali, F., Maserati, S., Mazza, M., Mottadelli, G., Negrini, G., Nutini, F., Orasen, G., Pacca, L., Pinnetti, M., Pirotta, M., Porta, R., Riva, A., Scaramelli, A., Sessa |
2014 - Field Crops Research, 161, 128-136
Any chance to evaluate in vivo field methods using standard protocols?
Confalonieri, R., Francone, C., Chiodini, M.E., Cantaluppi, E., Caravati, L., Colombi, V., Fantini, D., Ghiglieno, I., Gilardelli, C., Guffanti, E., Inversini, M., Paleari, L., Pochettino, G.G., Bocchi, S., Bregaglio, S., Cappelli, G., Dominoni, P., Frasso, N., Stella, T., Acutis, M. |
2014 - Ecological Modelling, 286, 1-10
CoSMo: a simple approach for reproducing plant community dynamics using a single instance of generic crop simulators.
Confalonieri, R. |
2014 - Environmental Modelling & Software, 62, 478-486
A generic framework for evaluating hybrid models by reuse and composition - a case study on soil temperature simulation.
Donatelli, M., Bregaglio, S., Confalonieri, R., De Mascellis, R., Acutis, M. |
2014 - European Journal of Agronomy, 59, 78-85
Evaluation of WARM for different establishment techniques in Jiangsu (China).
Pagani, V., Francone, C., ZhiMingWang, Qiu, L., Bregaglio, S., Acutis, M., Confalonieri, R. |
2014 - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 104, 18-24
A software component implementing a library of models for the simulation of pre-harvest rice grain quality.
Cappelli, G., Bregaglio, S., Romani, M., Feccia, S., Confalonieri, R. |
2014 - Field Crops Research, 155, 38-41
Comparison of leaf area index estimates by ceptometer and PocketLAI smart app in canopies with different structures.
Francone, C., Pagani, V., Foi, M., Cappelli, G., Confalonieri, R. |
2013 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 33, 393-403
Wheat modelling in Morocco unexpectedly reveals predominance of photosynthesis versus leaf area expansion plant traits.
Confalonieri, R., Bregaglio, S., Cappelli, G., Francone, C., Carpani, M., Acutis, M., El Aydam, M., Niemeyer, S., Balaghi, R., Dong, Q. |
2013 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 33, 767-776
Fungal infections of rice, wheat and grape in Europe in 2030-2050.
Bregaglio, S., Donatelli, M., Confalonieri, R. |
2013 - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 90, 170-175
A multi-approach software library for estimating crop suitability to environment.
Confalonieri, R., Francone, C., Cappelli, G., Stella, T., Frasso, N., Carpani, M., Bregaglio, S., Acutis, M., Tubiello, F.N., Fernandes, E. |
2013 - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 96, 67-74
Development of an app for estimating leaf area index using a smartphone. Trueness and precision determination and comparison with other indirect methods.
Confalonieri, R., Foi, M., Casa, R., Aquaro, S., Tona, E., Peterle, M., Boldini, A., De Carli, G., Ferrari, A., Finotto, G., Guarneri, T., Manzoni, V., Movedi, E., Nisoli, A., Paleari, L., Radici, I., Suardi, M., Veronesi, D., Bregaglio, S., Cappelli, G., Chiodini, M.E., Dominoni, P., Francone, C., Frasso, N., Stella, T., Acutis, M. |
2013 - Soil Use and Management, 29, 576-585
The development of a methodology using fuzzy logic to assess the performance of cropping systems based on a case study of maize in the Po Valley.
Carozzi, M., Bregaglio, S., Scaglia, B., Bernardoni, E., Acutis, M., Confalonieri, R. |
2012 - Ecological Modelling, 225, 159-166
Quantifying plasticity in simulation models.
Confalonieri, R., Bregaglio, S., Acutis, M. |
2012 - Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 108, 19-30
Combining a weather generator and a standard sensitivity analysis method to quantify the relevance of weather variables on agrometeorological models outputs.
Confalonieri, R. |
2012 - European Journal of Agronomy, 43, 129-135
Perfunctory analysis of variance in agronomy, and its consequences in experimental results interpretation.
Acutis, M., Scaglia, B., Confalonieri, R. |
2012 - Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 144, 419-430
Sensitivity analysis and investigation of the behaviour of the UTOPIA land-surface process model: A case study for vineyards in northern Italy.
Francone, C., Cassardo, C., Richiardone, R., Confalonieri, R. |
2011 - Journal of Agricultural Science, 149, 633-638
A new approach for determining rice critical nitrogen concentration.
Confalonieri, R., Debellini, C., Pirondini, M., Possenti, P., Bergamini, L., Barlassina, G., Bartoli, A., Agostoni, E.G., Appiani, M., Babazadeh, L., Bedin, E., Bignotti, A., Bouca, M., Bulgari, R., Cantore, A., Degradi, D., Facchinetti, D., Fiacchino, D., Frialdi, M., Galuppini, L., Gorrini, C., Gritti, A., Gritti, P., Lonati, S., Martinazzi, D., Messa, C., Minardi, A., Nascimbene, L., Oldani, D. |
2011 - European Journal of Agronomy, 34, 20-25
A model for simulating the height of rice plants.
Confalonieri, R., Bregaglio, S., Rosenmund, A.S., Acutis, M., Savin, I. |
2011 - Italian Journal of Remote Sensing, 43, 63-81
Estimation of rice production at regional scale with a Light Use Efficiency model and MODIS time series.
Boschetti, M., Stroppiana, D., Confalonieri, R., Brivio, P.A., Crema, A., Bocchi, S. |
2011 - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151, 1163-1172
Multi metric evaluation of leaf wetness models for large-area application of plant disease models.
Bregaglio, S., Donatelli, M., Confalonieri, R., Acutis, M., Orlandini, S. |
2010 - European Journal of Agronomy, 33, 89-93
Monte Carlo based sensitivity analysis of two crop simulators and considerations on model balance.
Confalonieri, R. |
2010 - Ecological Modelling, 221, 1897-1906
Comparison of sensitivity analysis techniques: a case study with the rice model WARM.
Confalonieri, R., Bellocchi, G., Bregaglio, S., Donatelli, M., Acutis, M. |
2010 - Bioresource Technology, 101, 945-952
Estimating biogas production of biologically treated municipal solid waste.
Scaglia, B., Confalonieri, R., D'Imporzano, G., Adani, F. |
2010 - Environmental Modelling & Software, 25, 1256-1260
Sensitivity analysis in fuzzy systems: integration of SimLab and DANA.
Foscarini, F., Bellocchi, G., Confalonieri, R., Savini, C., Van den Eede, G. |
2010 - Hydrological Processes, 24, 2762-2770
An integrated procedure to evaluate hydrological models.
Confalonieri, R., Bregaglio, S., Bocchi, S., Acutis, M. |
2010 - Environmental Modelling & Software, 25, 479-488
Sensitivity analysis of the rice model WARM in Europe: exploring the effects of different locations, climates and methods of analysis on model sensitivity to crop parameters.
Confalonieri, R., Bellocchi, G., Tarantola, S., Acutis, M., Donatelli, M., Genovese, G. |
2010 - Ecological Modelling, 221, 960-964
A proposal of an indicator for quantifying model robustness based on the relationship between variability of errors and of explored conditions.
Confalonieri, R., Bregaglio, S., Acutis, M. |
2010 - Environmental Modelling & Software, 25, 1485-1486
A software component to compute agro-meteorological indicators.
Confalonieri, R., Bellocchi,G., Donatelli, M. |
2010 - Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 102, 429-438
An integrated evaluation of thirteen modelling solutions for the generation of hourly values of air relative humidity.
Bregaglio, S., Donatelli, M., Confalonieri, R., Acutis, M., Orlandini, S. |
2010 - European Journal of Agronomy, 32, 127-136
Sensitivity analysis for a complex crop model applied to Durum wheat in the Mediterranean.
Richter, G.M., Acutis, M., Trevisiol, P., Latiri, K., Confalonieri, R. |
2009 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 29, 463-474
An improved model to simulate rice yield.
Confalonieri, R., Rosenmund, A.S., Baruth, B. |
2009 - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 69, 165-170
An extensible model library for generating wind speed data.
Donatelli, M., Bellocchi, G., Habyarimana, E., Confalonieri, R., Micale, F. |
2009 - Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 7, 680-686
Evaluation of parameterization strategies for rice modelling.
Confalonieri, R., Bellocchi, G., Boschetti, M., Acutis, M. |
2009 - Field Crops Research, 113, 125-130
Analysis of sample size for variables related to plant, soil, and soil microbial respiration in a paddy rice field.
Confalonieri, R., Perego, A., Chiodini, M.E., Scaglia, B., Rosenmund, A.S., Acutis, M. |
2009 - Ecological Modelling, 220, 1395-1410
Multi-metric evaluation of the models WARM, CropSyst, and WOFOST for rice.
Confalonieri, R., Acutis, M., Bellocchi, G., Donatelli, M. |
2008 - Agrochimica, 52, 71-82
Wet Aggregate Stability Index: precision assessment of Tiulin method trough an inter-laboratory test.
Bocchi, S., Confalonieri, R., Frigeni, S., Morari, F., Patruno, A. |
2008 - Food Analytical Methods, 1, 126-135
Expanding horizons in the validation of GMO analytical methods: fuzzy-based expert systems.
Bellocchi, G., Acutis, M., Paoletti, C., Confalonieri, R., Trevisiol, P., Grazioli, E., Delobel, C., Savini, C., Mazzara, M., Van den Eede, G. |
2007 - Environmental Modelling & Software, 22, 1796-1800
Resampling-based software for estimating optimal sample size.
Confalonieri, R., Acutis, M., Bellocchi, G., Genovese, G. |
2007 - Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 90, 1432-1438
Analytical Method Performance Evaluation (AMPE) – A software tool for analytical method validation.
Acutis, M., Trevisiol, P., Confalonieri, R., Bellocchi, G., Grazioli, E., van den Eede, G., Paoletti, C. |
2006 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 26, 241-249
The CropSyst model to simulate the N balance of rice for alternative management.
Confalonieri, R., Gusberti, D., Bocchi, S., Acutis, M. |
2006 - Field Crops Research, 99, 167-170
Evaluation of LAI-2000 for leaf area index monitoring in paddy rice.
Stroppiana, D., Boschetti, M., Confalonieri, R., Bocchi, S., Brivio, P.A. |
2006 - Field Crops Research, 97, 135-141
Analysis of rice sample size variability due to development stage, nitrogen fertilization, sowing technique and variety using the visual jackknife.
Confalonieri, R., Stroppiana, D., Boschetti, M., Gusberti, D., Bocchi, S., Acutis, M. |
2006 - Environmental Modelling & Software, 21, 1042-1054
Parameterization of a crop growth and development simulation model at sub-model components level. An example for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
Bechini, L., Bocchi, S., Maggiore, T., Confalonieri, R. |
2005 - Ecological Modelling, 183, 269-280
Analysis and modelling of water and near water temperatures in flooded rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Confalonieri, R., Mariani, L., Bocchi, S. |
2005 - European Journal of Agronomy, 23, 315-326
Evaluation of CropSyst for simulating the yield of flooded rice in northern Italy.
Confalonieri, R., Bocchi, S. |
2004 - European Journal of Agronomy, 21, 223-237
A preliminary evaluation of the simulation model CropSyst for Alfalfa.
Confalonieri, R., Bechini, L. |
2004 - Journal of Environmental Quality, 33, 1866-1876
Dynamic respiration index as a descriptor of the biological stability of organic wastes.
Adani, F., Confalonieri, R., Tambone, F. |