2019 - Sensors, 19, 981
Estimating crop nutritional status using smart apps to support nitrogen fertilization. A case study on paddy rice.
Paleari, L., Movedi, E., Vesely, F.M., Thoelke, W., Tartarini, S., Foi, M., Boschetti, M., Nutini, F., Confalonieri, R. |
2019 - Ecological Modelling, 401, 111-128
Development of generic crop models for simulation of multi-species plant communities in mown grasslands.
Movedi, E., Bellocchi, G., Argenti, G., Paleari, L., Vesely, F.M., Staglianò, N., Dibari, C., Confalonieri, R. |
2019 - Crop Science, 59, 1155-1164.
Analysis and modelling of processes involved with salt tolerance and rice.
Tartarini, S., Paleari, L., Movedi, E., Sacchi, G.A., Nocito, F.F., Confalonieri, R. |
2019 - Scientific Reports, 9, 9258
Quantifying uncertainty due to stochastic weather generators in climate change impact studies
Vesely, F.M., Paleari, L., Movedi, E., Bellocchi, G., Confalonieri, R. |
2018 - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 154, 80-92
An operational workflow to assess rice nutritional status based on satellite imagery and smartphone apps.
Nutini, F., Confalonieri, R., Crema, A., Movedi, E., Paleari, L., Stavrakoudis, D., Boschetti, M. |
2017 - Global Change Biology, 23, 4651-4662.
Surfing parameter hyperspaces under climate change scenarios to design future rice ideotypes.
Paleari, L., Movedi, E., Cappelli, G., Wilson, L.T., Confalonieri, R. |
2017 - Scientific Reports, 7:4352
Trait-based model development to support breeding programs. A case study for salt tolerance and rice.
Paleari, L., Movedi, E., Confalonieri, R. |
2017 - Biosystems Engineering, 164, 1-12.
PocketPlant3D: Analysing canopy structure using a smartphone.
Confalonieri, R., Paleari, L., Foi, M., Movedi, E., Vesely, F.M., Thoelke, W., Agape, C., Borlini, G., Ferri, I., Massara, F., Motta, R., Ravasi, R.A., Tartarini, S. ... Rossini, L. |
2017 - Field Cops Research, 212, 11-22
Effects of agro-pedo-meteorological conditions on dynamics of temperate rice blast epidemics and associated yield and milling losses.
Bregaglio, S., Titone, P., Hossard, L., Mongiano, G., Savoini, G., Piatti, F.M., Paleari, L., Masseroli, A., Tamborini, L. |
2016 - Ecological Modelling, 340, 57-63
Sensitivity analysis of a sensitivity analysis: we are likely overlooking the impact of distributional assumptions.
Paleari, L., Confalonieri, R. |
2016 - Environmental Modelling & Software, 81, 165-173
Uncertainty in crop model predictions: What is the role of users?
Confalonieri, R., Orlando, F., Paleari, L., Stella, T., Gilardelli, C., Movedi, E., Pagani, V., Cappelli, G., ... , Acutis, M. |
2016 - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 128, 46-49
ISIde: a rice modelling platform for in silico ideotyping.
Paleari, L., Bregaglio, S., Cappelli, G., Movedi, E., Confalonieri, R. |
2015 - Applied Vegetation Science, in press
Estimating leaf area index in tree species using the PocketLAI smart app
Orlando, F., Movedi, E., Paleari, L., Gilardelli, C., Foi, M., Dell'Oro, M., Confalonieri, R. |
2015 - Biosystems Engineering, 135, 21-30
Improving in vivo plant nitrogen content estimates from digital images: trueness and precision of a new approach as compared to other methods and commercial devices
Confalonieri, R., Paleari, L., Movedi, E., Pagani, V., Orlando, F., Foi, M., Barbieri, M., Pesenti, M., Cairati, O., La Sala, M.S., Besana, R., Minoli, S., Bellocchio, E., Croci, S., Mocchi, S., Lampugnani, F., Lubatti, A., Quarteroni, A., De Min, D., Signorelli, A., Ferri, A., Ruggeri, G., Locatelli, S., Bertoglio, M., Dominoni, P., Bocchi, S., Sacchi, G.A., Acutis, M. |
2015 - Biomass & Bioenergy, 80, 85-93
Are advantages from partial replacement of corn with second generation energy crops undermined by climate change? A case study for giant reed in Northern Italy
Cappelli, G., Yamaç, S.S., Stella, T., Francone, C., Paleari, L., Negri, M., Confalonieri, R. |
2015 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 35, 157-167
New multi-model approach gives good estimations of wheat yield under semi-arid climate in Morocco.
Bregaglio, S., Frasso, N., Pagani, V., Stella, T., Francone, C., Cappelli, G., Acutis, M., Balaghi, R., Ouabbou, H., Paleari, L., Confalonieri, R. |
2015 - Climatic Change, 132, 661-675
District specific, in silico evaluation of rice ideotypes improved for resistance/tolerance traits to biotic and abiotic stressors under climate change scenarios.
Paleari, L., Cappelli, G., Bregaglio, S., Acutis, M., Donatelli, M., Sacchi, G.A., Lupotto, E., Boschetti, M., Manfron, G., Confalonieri, R. |
2014 - Field Crops Research, 161, 128-136
Any chance to evaluate in vivo field methods using standard protocols?
Confalonieri, R., Francone, C., Chiodini, M.E., Cantaluppi, E., Caravati, L., Colombi, V., Fantini, D., Ghiglieno, I., Gilardelli, C., Guffanti, E., Inversini, M., Paleari, L., Pochettino, G.G., Bocchi, S., Bregaglio, S., Cappelli, G., Dominoni, P., Frasso, N., Stella, T., Acutis, M. |
2013 - Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 96, 67-74
Development of an app for estimating leaf area index using a smartphone. Trueness and precision determination and comparison with other indirect methods.
Confalonieri, R., Foi, M., Casa, R., Aquaro, S., Tona, E., Peterle, M., Boldini, A., De Carli, G., Ferrari, A., Finotto, G., Guarneri, T., Manzoni, V., Movedi, E., Nisoli, A., Paleari, L., Radici, I., Suardi, M., Veronesi, D., Bregaglio, S., Cappelli, G., Chiodini, M.E., Dominoni, P., Francone, C., Frasso, N., Stella, T., Acutis, M. |